Monday, July 12, 2010

Dinner Plans

I think Shea is the funniest child I know.  I am SURE I am a lot biased in that opinion but still, he is a funny kid.  He is always saying something to make me laugh.  Well, this afternoon when he woke up from his nap, he topped ALL of his hilarious quips from the past.  I heard him at his door when he woke up from nap so I opened the door and immediately he says to me "Mommy, I just said a prayer.  I prayed you would make a good dinner."  Anyone who knows me just a little bit KNOWS how hysterical this is! I do NOT like to all.  I, of course, started laughing so hard and he ran over to his toy box, knelt down and said "I prayed right here that you would make a good dinner."

Guess this means we'll be ordering out tonight!!!

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